Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kooky Contractors

Ok, so as I have said before.... The weirdest things happen in this business on a daily basis. For example we had a new contractor sign up today. We talked to them on the phone and got them all set up with an account based upon the areas they serviced for the products they selected. So here we go, we sent them their first lead and we promptly got a call from them stating they wanted to cancel their service! Are you kidding? The amount of time it took to get them all set up in our system and everything? What happened? Did we send you a bad lead? If it's bad as far as our credit back policy goes we will give you "credit!" Well come to find out it wasn't the lead at all it was the contractor's misinterpretation of what our company does. Let me first state the same thing that all of our reps tell all of our contractors, "We are an Internet lead generation company, we provide you homeowners that want a free estimate on their "remodeling" project in an area that you service for a product that you have selected with us." So apparently this customer just didn't' "get it." We placed their account on hold at their request and went on with our day.

We get this type of thing all the time on a daily basis. It comes in different forms though, mostly from an email stating..."REMOVE US FROM YOUR MAILING LIST!" Now this shocks me, apparently these companies are doing so well that they just don't need new business. Imagine that you are so ubersuccessful that you just don't need any more clientele! Well, we promptly remove those clients that do not wish to be contacted by email, funny thing is we may try to call them a month or two down the road to find that we get a disconnected phone number. I guess they could have used some business assistance. Then again if given it would they have known what to do with it?

We get many requests for credits that just make us sit back and chuckle. I mean they "changed their mind?" Are you serious? They had a valid interest when signing up on our site and that is what we promise to deliver isn't it? A lead! Did you know that the definition of a sales lead according to Wikipedia is roughly: "A sales lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in purchasing a product or service, and represents the first stage of a sales process." I wonder if anyone knows this but us. Can't be.

So here's something funny that happens to us frequently. A contractor will sign up go through the whole process which by the way seems to take days with some of these guys I guess because they are so busy in their overly successful businesses that don't need us anyway that they can't seem to find the time to sign a contract or fax it back to us. This simple process can take days sometimes weeks of us getting back to them to prompt them for the paperwork. Well, they'll get into the service, get a lead say they couldn't sell it which remember is not even close to what we promise under our service.

We promise a "LEAD!" So you can't sell it do you think that it is because your sales and marketing group is worthless considering we were able to get the homeowner to admit that they wanted an estimate and once on the phone with them you have effectively "killed" it you will say it's not your fault and that the customer as a "one legger" or someone that has no interest in your product. Tell me, is it that they had no interest in your product? Or was it that you were unable to sell them on why your product is superior to what they thought they "needed?" Isn't that what selling is all about anyway?

How many times have you gone to a vendor for a product and they have up sold you from what you thought you wanted to a probably more expensive item that seems to hold more value to you once they've told you about it? It's not that the item that you wanted wasn't good enough but the item that they sold you on you were able to be sold on it because you believed that it was superior and better than what you had originally wanted due to the salesperson's confidence in the product and perhaps a testimonial or two from another satisfied consumer or maybe they have shown you how it could better suit your particular needs that you have expressed to them.

That my friends is what selling is all about and even though you are merely contractors offering a service aren't you doing your customer's a disservice by not letting them in on how your product can meet their needs? If you can't do that well then I guess you can just ask for credit on the lead and when doing so why don't you say this... "I was unable to sell this customer on why my product was what they needed. I couldn't convince them that I had a superior product because I didn't have complete confidence in my product to begin with." Of course you would never say that because that would make this "your fault" not ours. So instead it's easier for you to lie and use everything to your favor, the customer didn't mean to sign up on the website, they were just surfing looking for examples, they aren't interested in purchasing the product. Right! I mean on a Saturday afternoon there's nothing I like to do more than to waste my time looking up products and services that I completely do not intend to EVER buy and then, well hell let's take it a step further, let's fill out the form with two phone numbers for contact and our email and home address so we can be continually harassed by companies selling these products that we absolutely don't want to EVER buy! Whatever! You're half cracked if you think we are buying this.

We call ALL of our "leads" before we send them to you and we WILL call ALL of them again after you return them for credit. So rest assured you will be found out if you try to submit bogus refund requests on our site! If you're still interested in getting a service that you don't need anyway and just want to waste our time signing up please stop by we'd love to Have you!

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